Wearables Are Useful, But Are They Safe?

Wearables Are Useful, But Are They Safe?

Many of us are anxious to reap the full benefits offered by wearable Health Tech devices, but in the rush to take advantage of this new technology, we need to pause to ask the question, “Is it safe?” Already, there have been reports of irritation caused by...
Google Glass Set to Enter Enterprise Market

Google Glass Set to Enter Enterprise Market

Google introduced the first smart glass known as Google Glass in 2012 with limited circulation for developers. Due to the steep prices, nerdy looks, and privacy concerns, Google Glass, which was available in limited quantities,  was pulled out of the market earlier...
Short-Term Memory on Your Wrist [video]

Short-Term Memory on Your Wrist [video]

How many times do you wish that you could remember something that you or someone else just said? (I confess that I’m reaching an age where that happens more often than I’d care to admit.) Maybe someone is telling you an email address or website, or giving...
Expanding Production of Automated Drug Delivery System

Expanding Production of Automated Drug Delivery System

Almost a year ago, we described the SmartDose system from West Pharmaceutical Services. This is a battery-powered system that patients can adhere to their skin, and the device will automatically administered predetermined doses of medication. This increases patient...
They Track Horses, Don’t They? [video]

They Track Horses, Don’t They? [video]

When it comes to the “quantified self” movement, humans aren’t the only ones who can track their health and fitness information. SeeHorse is a company that has created a wearable Health Tech device for horses. When you think about it, this makes a...