More Than a Remote Thermometer [video]

More Than a Remote Thermometer [video]

We’ve written about a number of wireless thermometers over the years, that let you monitor the fever of a child or other person remotely. Setting notification limits means that you get an alert when the temperature rises above or falls below limits that you...
French Soccer Team Uses Heat-Sensing Pill

French Soccer Team Uses Heat-Sensing Pill

Elite professional athletes receive handsome salaries, and represent the major portion of a team’s assets. As a result, their organizations are willing to spend money to make sure that they are healthy and performing at their peak. As a result, pro sports has...
Sensors in Inhaler for Better Asthma Management

Sensors in Inhaler for Better Asthma Management

According to Centers of Disease Control (CDC), 18.7 million adults suffer from asthma, a condition that affects lungs and causes repeated attacks of wheezing, chest tightness, breathlessness, and coughing. Many people use inhalers to deliver medication for maintenance...