Will Big Brother Count Your Steps?

Will Big Brother Count Your Steps?

A recent article in Forbes raises an interesting question; under what circumstances would you be willing to let your employer or insurance company have access to your personal fitness tracker data? This is no longer a hypothetical question, as large, self-insured...
Staples Puts On Wearables

Staples Puts On Wearables

You’ve decided that you want to purchase a new wearable fitness device, so you hop in your car and head to your nearest office supply store. Now, that may not sound like a reasonable plan to you, but if your destination is your local Staples store, it just might...
Lightweight Heart Monitor Needs No Chest Strap

Lightweight Heart Monitor Needs No Chest Strap

A spin-off from Nokia, PulseOn has developed a new heart monitor. Unlike traditional designs, the wrist-wearable device does not require a separate chest strap. And the PulseOn has been demonstrated to be as accurate as a standard ECG machine. One key to its accuracy...