Tablet-Based Hearing Test [video]

Tablet-Based Hearing Test [video]

Hearing loss can affect people of all ages. For the elderly, it can lead to social isolation and frustration with trying to communicate. For children, it can cause a serious barrier to learning, especially in a classroom setting. As a result, it is important that...
Rechargeable Batteries for Hearing Aids

Rechargeable Batteries for Hearing Aids

As we get older, our bodies often don’t function as well as when we were younger. Our hearing may become impaired, and we become more fumble-fingered as our fine motor control degrades. Unfortunately, these two changes can combine to make life more difficult, as...
Apple Watch Controls Hearing Aids

Apple Watch Controls Hearing Aids

Now that the Apple Watch is here, we hope to see useful applications to support Health Tech devices. Beltone, a leading maker of digital hearing aids, has already release an app that they hope will help their customers. Digital hearing aids do much more than simply...