FDA Clears New VR Treatment for Back Pain

FDA Clears New VR Treatment for Back Pain

AppliedVR, a team of dreamers helping healthcare move forward through technology-based solutions, has achieved a major breakthrough in the VR tech after getting a recent FDA approval for marketing of EaseVRx: a VR therapeutic system for the management of chronic lower...
A New Plan Pays You to Take Your Meds

A New Plan Pays You to Take Your Meds

What if you got paid for developing healthier habits or taking your medication every day? An app called Wellth does exactly that. The platform uses gamification and financial rewards to motivate individuals to follow provider-reccommended care plans and medication...
How Well Do Market Forecasts Hold Up Over Time?

How Well Do Market Forecasts Hold Up Over Time?

We periodically write about market research reports from reputable firms that track wearables. We cover reports from IDC, Gartner, and IDTechEx, among others. These reports typically include data from the previous quarter, half, or full year with the research...