Rolling Clinic Now Combats Opioid Epidemic

Rolling Clinic Now Combats Opioid Epidemic

The opioid addiction epidemic hasn’t paused while the COVID-19 pandemic runs rampant. We’ve written about a variety of tech developments that target addiction. Among the many weapons in the growing treatment arsenal, we wrote about a clinical trial run by...
New App Lets Apple Watch Control Pain Relief

New App Lets Apple Watch Control Pain Relief

We’ve written about Neurometrix Quell pain relief wearable several times. Quell is a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) device available without a prescription to manage leg, foot, and knee pain. Neuronetrix has 15 patents on the Quell technology...
New Senior Cell Phone with Voice Commands

New Senior Cell Phone with Voice Commands

For some seniors, struggling with technology isn’t just frustrating; it also affects their sense of dignity. A few years ago, I witnessed an iPhone bring a senior relative of mine to tears. A woman who earned a Master’s degree in the late 50’s in a field dominated by...
New Tiny Robots Walk on Four Legs

New Tiny Robots Walk on Four Legs

Cornell’s microscopic robots have legs! In August in Nature, two Cornell professors and a former Cornell postdoctoral researcher (now a University of Pennsylvania assistant professor) detailed their developments with tiny walking robots in the article,...