For some seniors, struggling with technology isn’t just frustrating; it also affects their sense of dignity. A few years ago, I witnessed an iPhone bring a senior relative of mine to tears. A woman who earned a Master’s degree in the late 50’s in a field dominated by men, the unpredictable touchscreen and iOS jargon left her feeling incompetent and undignified. But the fact remains that most seniors can’t avoid using technology in 2020, and cell phones can help keep older adults safe and connected to family during the COVID-19 crisis.
To make seniors more comfortable using a cell phone, Best Buy Health has introduced the Lively Flip, an Alexa-enabled flip phone that lets users navigate its functions with voice commands. Produced by Lively, maker of the Jitterbug phone for seniors, the new phone includes rapid emergency contact and 24-hour telehealth access. According to a survey that Best Buy Health commissioned in September, those three options represent the top features older adults want in a cell phone.
That survey also found that 60% of older adults feel that their cell phone has kept them connected during this time of social distancing. Nearly half of the survey participants said that staying connected via cell phone has increased in importance. Integrating Amazon Alexa into the Lively Flip means that users can simply ask their phone to make a call, check the weather, send a text, and perform other functions.
The Lively Flip includes other senior-friendly features, such as a large screen, big buttons, an intuitive interface, round-the-clock live access to doctors and nurses, ride calling services, and brain games to help older adults stay mentally engaged. An urgent response button immediately connects users with an emergency response agent. The agent dispatches help to the user’s location and remains on the line until that help arrives. The phone also provides live tech support and other assistance.
Voice commands, the phone’s standout feature, will surely attract many older buyers who choose to age-in-place, like my senior relative. Frankly, I wouldn’t mind having voice commands integrated into her 1970s electric stove. The oven timer on that beast uses some strange technology that I’ve never been able to conquer.
Hi there, just been reading up on your above on your senior cell phone with voice commands. Can you please tell me how much they are and how to order one. Many thanks regards kevin Blackmore.
Kevin, we do not sell any products or services. I do not know anything beyond what’s in the article. I recommend that you contact Best Buy using the link in the article to find out more information.
All the best,
Alfred Poor, Editor
Health Tech Insider
lively flip phone is voice activeted commands with Alexa only,
that means when you go out of your hose yo can’t use it .
Thar’s total miss representation!
Thanks for your message. I don’t see how this is a misrepresentation; our article does not mention out-of-home use one way or the other. Looking at the Lively website, it does not mention any in-home limitations. It appears that the Alexa feature will work with either WiFi or a cell data connection. For details, however, I recommend that you contact Lively directly for official answers to your concern.
All the best,
Alfred Poor, Editor
Health Tech Insider
Do you have to use the Alexa “wakeup” work in order for this to work?
If you go to the Best Buy Health site, you’ll find that this phone has been replaced by the Flip2, which is also “Alexa-enabled”: https://www.lively.com/phones/jitterbug-flip2/
You’ll find on the website that you douse the “Alexa” wake up command to trigger that feature. It is not clear whether or not you can replace that with the other standard Alexa wake up options, such as “Computer,” “Echo,” “Amazon,” or “Ziggy.” I recommend that you contact Best Buy for specific details.
All the best,
Alfred Poor, Editor
Health Tech Insider