Rolling Clinic Now Combats Opioid Epidemic

Rolling Clinic Now Combats Opioid Epidemic

The opioid addiction epidemic hasn’t paused while the COVID-19 pandemic runs rampant. We’ve written about a variety of tech developments that target addiction. Among the many weapons in the growing treatment arsenal, we wrote about a clinical trial run by...
Get Glasses Prescription Online [video]

Get Glasses Prescription Online [video]

We’ve written extensively about advances in and adoption of telehealth and telemedicine, often in combination with remote monitoring, AI, and mobile apps. In-home testing applications for COVID-19 and other diseases are invaluable during the current...
Lab-on-Chip Tests for COVID-19 in 10 Seconds [video]

Lab-on-Chip Tests for COVID-19 in 10 Seconds [video]

Recently developed technologies continue to play significant roles in the war against the COVID-19 pandemic. In the last few months, we’ve written about AI applications that predict COVID-19 in hospital admissions, HoloLens2 augmented reality headsets assisting...