by Bruce Brown | November 13, 2017 | General News, Health
Sleep health draws loads of attention from health tech enterprises, with valid justification. Diet trackers count calories or monitor weight, exercise machines and fitness trackers count steps, weight, reps, time, and more. Measuring sleep with its qualitative and...
by Bruce Brown | November 10, 2017 | General News, Health, Medical
Already one of the top diabetes management systems worldwide, Informed Data Systems’ One Drop blood glucose testing kit and smartphone app keeps diabetic patients and their care teams informed. When we wrote about One Drop in February 2017, the system’s...
by Kimberly Houston | November 8, 2017 | General News, Medical
If you’ve ever had surgery, you know that preparing for the procedure and its aftermath can be daunting. You must follow detailed instructions from your healthcare provider and medical team about what to do before and after. You have to think about risks, healing...
by Bruce Brown | November 7, 2017 | General News, Medical
From surgery theaters to hospital parking lots and beyond, mobile and wearable health tech hardware developments and apps play ever-widening roles in the complex wellness and medical worlds. Sensors in exoskeletal appliances assist mobility and balance, and remote...
by Jim Ware | November 6, 2017 | General News, Health
What if getting your eyes checked were as easy as strapping a View-Master-like device to your smartphone and following a series of on-screen prompts? If EyeQue’s kickstarter succeeds, its Insight visual acuity screeners will ship as early as March 18. The...