by Alfred Poor | June 12, 2017 | Enabling Tech, General News
We hear sounds thanks to our eardrums; sound waves create varying amounts of pressure on the eardrum, and these vibrations are transmitted to the inner ear where nerves translate these vibrations to sensations that we perceive as sound. A microphone works in a similar...
by Alfred Poor | June 5, 2017 | Fitness, General News, Health
If Batman had special shoes, they probably would look something like this; “Quick, into the Batshoes! There’s no time to waste!” If you can’t be bothered with tying the laces on your sneakers, you can just fire up your smartphone and have the...
by Bruce Brown | May 26, 2017 | Enabling Tech, General News
Our collections of AC adapters and charging cables grow as we accumulate mobile Health Tech devices. One way to keep the horde of electrical “wall-warts” and associated tangled cables to a minimum is to use multifunction devices with diverse biometric...
by Alfred Poor | May 23, 2017 | General News, Medical
Facial palsy is a condition where the facial nerve on one (or both) sides of the face becomes damaged. This nerve controls the muscle groups that we use to make facial expressions, and palsy will cause that side to droop. This condition can be caused by bacterial or...
by Bruce Brown | May 18, 2017 | General News, Health
We’ve written about several “smart shirts” in the past. After we saw them at CES 2017, we covered Xenoma’s eSkin with 14 motion sensors and XYZLife’s shirt with motion and heart rate sensors. We also wrote about HealthWatch’s hWear...