by Alfred Poor | January 5, 2017 | General News, Health
We’ve often written about how wearable Health Tech devices have to “disappear” into our lives if they are to be successful. Large, bulky sensors that have to be recharged frequently are not destined for long-term success. That’s why we were...
by Alfred Poor | November 29, 2016 | General News, Medical
One of the most useful types of technology in medicine is the kind that lets doctors look inside the human body. X-rays images are one of the most familiar, but ultrasound and other methods are also used. There is growing interest in “terahertz” imaging...
by Alfred Poor | October 28, 2016 | Enabling Tech, General News
Almost all wearable Health Tech devices require some form of power in order to operate. For the vast majority, this power must be in the form of an electrical current. When it comes to delivering electricity to a device that is not plugged in, the most common solution...
by Alfred Poor | October 13, 2016 | Enabling Tech, General News
“Horses sweat, men perspire, and women glow.” This holdover from the Victorian Era may split hairs on behalf of social sensibilities at the expense of science, but the fact remains that human skin secrets fluids that is much more than just salty water. It...
by Alfred Poor | September 5, 2016 | Enabling Tech
Gutenberg’s movable type revolutionized the printing process, but it was still a batch-mode production. Individual sheets of paper were placed in the press one at a time, then printed. Eventually, roll-to-roll printing presses took over, printing pages much...