by Alfred Poor | November 30, 2015 | General News, Medical
When a patient is in a hospital, the nursing staff and other healthcare professionals monitor their vital signs for indications of changes in their health. Patients in Intensive Care settings get around-the-clock monitoring, but for the average patient, vital signs...
by Alfred Poor | November 6, 2015 | General News, Health, Medical
“Asleep at the wheel” is a dangerous situation for the driver, passengers, and occupants of other vehicles on the road or even bystanders. A heart attack or other cardiovascular emergency can also result in sudden incapacitation that can have deadly...
by riddhi | October 29, 2015 | General News, Health, Medical
Health and fitness wearable market is on the rise and so is use of smart clothes with applications for athletes and posture management to name a few. eShirt, a product from Medical Device Innovation, a Milpitas, CA based company, is a wearable health system that...
by Alfred Poor | June 29, 2015 | Fitness, Health, Medical
Last week, Imec and the Holst Centre jointly announced the development of a t-shirt that can monitor the wearer’s movement and heart activity. The key feature of this technology demonstration is that the shirt uses flexible smart fabric interconnects to gather...
by Alfred Poor | June 23, 2015 | Medical
In science fiction movies, doctors of the future can just wave a handheld device to create live images of functioning organs hidden within a patient’s body. The future is getting closer; CardioInsight has created a one-time use vest that is part of a system that...