by Alfred Poor | January 13, 2015 | Fitness, Health
One problem with many of the wearable Health Tech products and services is that they are islands unto themselves. Their data is stored away in proprietary silos, making it difficult for users (and healthcare practitioners) to combine information from different sources...
by Alfred Poor | January 5, 2015 | Fitness, Health, Medical
Your wearable Health Tech device may help you lead a healthier life, but will it be able to keep you out of jail? Or perhaps the more important question is whether or not it will land you in jail. As the data collected by these devices gets more sophisticated,...
by Alfred Poor | January 2, 2015 | Health, Medical
It’s a new year: a time for resolutions and predictions. Rather than just repeat my own forecasts (which I sprinkle liberally throughout my comments on these posts), I’m going to let another bunch of experts make their own call. The American College of...
by Alfred Poor | December 23, 2014 | Health
Keeping track of a family member can be as simple as getting them to put on their shoes (or slippers). GTX Corporation has two versions of their SmartSole products, one for indoor use, and one for outdoors. The indoor insoles rely on low-power Bluetooth LE to...
by Alfred Poor | December 11, 2014 | Health
If you’ve been driving a car for any length of time, chances are good that you’ve encountered a situation where you were not as alert as you should be. Driver fatigue is a significant problem for commercial drivers, but also plays a significant role in...