Smart Pill Pack to Improve Adherence

Smart Pill Pack to Improve Adherence

For many reasons, people fail to take their prescription drugs as instructed. Sometimes they forget. Sometimes they don’t want to (or can’t) spend the money to buy the medications. For whatever the reason, however, the estimates for the increased...
Smartphone App Helps Prevent Suicide

Smartphone App Helps Prevent Suicide

Suicides have increased across the United States in the first decades of the 21st century. Every state except for Nevada has seen increases, ranging from just under 6% in Delaware to more than 57% in North Dakota. In 25 states, suicide rates have risen more than 30%...
Smart Pillbox Tracks Med Adherence

Smart Pillbox Tracks Med Adherence

Compliance, adherence, or just plain remembering. However we label it, taking medication on schedule can be a chore, especially when you have multiple prescriptions. Absent our own Nurse Ratched to enforce medication schedules, it can be easy to lose track of what...