by William McCleary | September 19, 2022 | Enabling Tech
There’s lots of data in your breath. And the Boston-area start-up Calibre Biometrics set out to harvest that information with a device that tracks respiratory and metabolic metrics in real-time. Together with the design firm Design 1st, they’ve created...
by William McCleary | September 16, 2022 | Enabling Tech, Medical
Fertility tracking and COVID-19 detection may have more in common that one might assume. That connection prompted a study using the Ava bracelet, which is FDA-cleared for the U.S. market and CE-certified for Europe. Designed for fertility monitoring, the device tracks...
by William McCleary | September 14, 2022 | Medical
The longtime tradition of house calls is back in a big way, and it looks as if it’ll be the norm going forward. But at-home healthcare in the modern era doesn’t likely include a doctor knocking on your door, but rather a connection via a telehealth visit....
by William McCleary | September 12, 2022 | Enabling Tech
Flexible electronics have had a seismic impact on the world of wearables: body-contouring patches, devices with stretchable sensors, and implantable electronics of all kinds. But all share one impediment: integration with the human body. As wondrous as these pliable...
by William McCleary | September 9, 2022 | Medical
Onduo is joining forces with Sword Health in a partnership designed to expand virtual care for people with diabetes and other chronic conditions. An Alphabet sister company of Google, Onduo by Verily focuses on digital therapeutics (DTx) for conditions including...
by Bruce Brown | September 8, 2022 | Health
Are you looking for a new way to stay motivated for healthy daily exercise? Use San Diego-based Vizer’s eponymous mobile app and you can convert your daily workouts into meal donations at U.S. food banks. You can also win rewards with the same good habits. The...