Hybrid Solution for House Calls

Hybrid Solution for House Calls

Most older people in the U.S. have a Norman Rockwell image of the good old days when doctors still made house calls. It was personalized medicine at its best, with that special one-to-one relationship with a doctor in your own home. Everything old is new again, though...
Wearable Automates Impacted Earwax Removal

Wearable Automates Impacted Earwax Removal

Impacted earwax is a common condition among adults — especially seniors — according to Healthline. Pain from built-up earwax prompts many people to see their physician to have the excess wax removed. Blocked ears can result in dizziness and loss of...
Sickweather Crowdsources Illness Reports for SickScore

Sickweather Crowdsources Illness Reports for SickScore

Depending on our plans for the day, we routinely check the weather using animated radar scans. Meteorologists predict the weather using algorithms that account for a variety of information sources, including data from remote instruments. Similar to weather reporting,...