Non-Thermal Lasers Treat Back Pain

Non-Thermal Lasers Treat Back Pain

Statistics on the prevalence of chronic low back pain vary by age, gender, and work status, but the incidence exceeds 20% for all U.S. adults in CDC studies. According to a 2018 commentary published in the Journal of the American Medical Association by faculty from...
Machine Learning Predicts ED Discharge Mortality

Machine Learning Predicts ED Discharge Mortality

A new study published in BMJ Open by medical schools and hospitals in Sweden and Boston explored the real-world value of new medical technologies. Return on healthcare spending suffers when patients do not live to benefit from the procedures. The study’s...
Cough Diagnosing App Gets CE Certification

Cough Diagnosing App Gets CE Certification

We first covered ResApp more than three years ago. The company has developed a smartphone app that can diagnose the different types of childhood coughs, simply by analyzing a sound sample recorded by a phone. It can distinguish between lower respiratory tract disease,...
Outpatient Telehealth Adoption Rate Holding Steady

Outpatient Telehealth Adoption Rate Holding Steady

Outpatient telehealth services plateaued in 2019, according to a recent survey of physicians and healthcare administrators. Healthcare provider data analytics company Definitive Healthcare’s 2019 Outpatient Telehealth Study found adoption rates holding steady at...
VA Sets the Pace for Telehealth Services

VA Sets the Pace for Telehealth Services

The Veterans Administration (VA) has taken its lumps in recent years for shortcomings in delivering health services to veterans. The agency is charged with charged with providing services for more than 9 million patients across the country. About one third live in...