Wearable Automates Impacted Earwax Removal

Wearable Automates Impacted Earwax Removal

Impacted earwax is a common condition among adults — especially seniors — according to Healthline. Pain from built-up earwax prompts many people to see their physician to have the excess wax removed. Blocked ears can result in dizziness and loss of...
Prosthetic Leg Provides Sensory Feedback [video]

Prosthetic Leg Provides Sensory Feedback [video]

Prosthetic legs help lower-limb amputees regain mobility. Fitting a patient with a prosthetic only starts the process. Patients then need to learn how to walk with a prosthetic, a period that is often physically and mentally exhausting. Our feet and legs provide...
New AMA CPT Codes Integrate Home-based Services

New AMA CPT Codes Integrate Home-based Services

You can have the most innovative medical treatment in the world, but if physicians can’t get paid for it, they won’t use it. The U.S. health care system relies on Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes to report, measure, analyze, and bill medical and...
Single Component IoT Diabetes Care Device

Single Component IoT Diabetes Care Device

The TÜV Rheinland European regulatory body recently awarded Swedish-based Brighter two EC certifications for Actiste, the company’s single-device solution for diabetes monitoring and treatment management. The regulatory granted Medical Device Directive (MDD) and...
3D Printed Medical Devices a $6.1 Billion Market

3D Printed Medical Devices a $6.1 Billion Market

In a few short years, 3D-printed medical applications progressed to the point we’re no longer surprised to read about developing 3D technologies for use outside or inside the human body. We’ve written about 3D prosthetic arms, legs, hands, eyes, and...
In-Home Monitoring Detects Diabetic Foot Ulcers

In-Home Monitoring Detects Diabetic Foot Ulcers

The latest CDC diabetes report found nearly 10% of the U.S. population — more than 30 million people — have diabetes and another 84 million have prediabetes. From 10% to 15% of the people who have diabetes will have a foot ulcer during their lives....