Brain-computer-interfaces (BCI) and artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to make giant strides advancing human prosthetics. We previously covered a project at the Georgia Institute of Technology that developed an AI-powered prosthesis that restored a musician’s ability to play the piano. And we wrote about researchers at Battelle and The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center published a study that documented a brain-computer interface and prosthesis that restored the sense of touch. Now comes news of another encouraging advance.

Esper Bionics has a system to control a prosthetic hand with extremely precise muscle activity and movement detection. It relies on digital signal processing with a wearable BCI connected to cloud-based AI software. According to an Esper Bionics news release, the Esper Hand can recognize usage situations to control grip more precisely than any other prosthetic hand available. Videos on the Esper Bionics YouTube channel show Esper Hand wearers playing board games, painting, putting on makeup, cutting fruit with a chef’s knife, brushing their hair, and more.

According to Esper Bionics co-founder and CEO Dmytro Gazda, “The main thing our products should do is to make socialization easier and people feel more comfortable under any conditions.” The Esper Hand platform’s muscle memory recognizes repeated situations and movements which improves dexterity and control over time.

Esper Bionics has headquarters in New York. The company’s research and design and manufacturing teams are in Germany and Ukraine. The Esper Hand BCI platform currently works through a wearable device but the company wants to eventually develop implanted electronics for the BCI interface.

The Esper Hand’s impressive utility is inspiring and helps us envision even further levels of control and function for BCI-controlled prosthetics in the future.