iMediSync followed up on exhibits from the past years at CES with the launch of iSyncWave. An upgraded version of the platform introduced at CES 2021, iSyncWave incorporates the company’s AI-driven technology for analyzing electroencephalography (qEEG). The system can quantitatively analyze EEG brain scans to assess neurological and mental health conditions.

Soon to enter markets in Europe, Asia, and Australia, the current version of iSyncWave records and evaluates both brain-wave activity and heart rate variability. Visitors to the iMediSync exhibit were asked to wear a sleek helmet that positions high-quality, dry EEG sensors around the scalp. After 10 minutes, the platform completed a comprehensive EEG and HRV analysis report. 

According to iMediSync, the platform provides clinical assessment of conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease as well as mood disorders, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. While clinical studies of iSyncWave are in progress, it’s not clear how much evidence currently supports the clinical applications of iSyncWave. However, outside research suggests that EEG detection of Parkinson’s disease may be possible. 

The helmet also facilitates LED therapy, which some studies have shown to improve cognitive function in those with dementia or brain injuries. iSyncWave has earned FCC approval as an electronic device, but there’s no word on whether the company intends to apply for the EU mark or FDA clearance. 

Until iSyncWave crosses those thresholds, it’s unlikely to be adopted by clinicians. iMediSync’s vision of “an EEG-centric global vision of integrated telemental health care & CNS drug development platform” sounds like a real boon for the field of neuropsychiatric health. We’ll remain optimistic that the South Korean company and its research partners hit the mark. Clearly, the personalized diagnoses and treatment strategies that quantitative EEG analysis might provide could offer substantial benefits for patients and their healthcare providers.