In a fast paced world, burnout has become a global concern. A significant proportion of employees report burnout as the prime cause of their mental health concerns. Germany is tackling this issue through HelloBetter Stress and Burnout: a digital health intervention (therapy course) to treat symptoms of stress, poor sleep, exhaustion, and depression. 

Germany has approved HelloBetter Stress and Burnout to be listed in the central database of digital health applications after a rigorous review of the scientific evidence on the effectiveness of the app, along with data protection and security concerns by the German regulatory body for pharmaceuticals (BfArM). As a result, the Stress & Burnout course is now integrated into the German healthcare system; doctors and therapists can prescribe the intervention to their patients and clients. Since it is a listed therapeutic app, it qualifies for reimbursement by health insurance providers. It is the only approved digital therapeutics program for the treatment of burnout symptoms. More than 50 million insured Germans can now benefit from it. 

HelloBetter offers a 12-week therapy program for effective and efficient treatment of burnout. The program is composed of seven units, one hour each. Through education on mental health issues, mindfulness techniques, and behavioural activation, patients learn how to deal with burnout and stress. Patients can also explore their stress experience through vivid exercises and positively change the signs of burnout. While other courses by HelloBetter are offered in German and English, the burnout program is currently available in German only.