The LifeSignals LX1550 Multiparameter Remote Monitoring Platform has received FDA Class II 510(k) clearance. The LX1550 system provides clinical grade vital signs monitoring of patients at home or in healthcare facilities.
The monitoring stream begins with a single-use wearable smart patch that sends physiological data to the LifeSignal CardiacApp on a mobile device. The app transmits the encrypted data to a cloud-based, HIPAA-compliant server; providers and caregivers can then access the data on a dedicated clinician’s dashboard. The dashboard also allows clinicians to set alerts if abnormal biometric signals are detected, based on individual patient parameters.
The smart patch records a 2-channel ECG and measures heart rate, respiration rate, skin temperature, and body posture. The sensor lasts up to five days before it has to be replaced. LifeSignals designed the platform for large-scale use in virtually any location.
LifeSignals LX1550 is designed to enable healthcare companies to provide vital sign monitoring for the broadest possible patient base, from any location. Included in the platform are the LifeSignals software development toolkit (SDK) and application programming interface (API), enabling developers to build out applications for the specific needs of each healthcare provider.
Already in use in hospitals in India, the system earned the European CE mark shortly before receiving the FDA clearance. The US launch follows on the heels of the LifeSignals LX1550 roll-out in the UK, Europe, the Phillipines, and Singapore. The system’s scalability, high accuracy, and spectrum of biometric parameters will likely make LifeSignals LX1550 a popular choice for hospitals and health centers as demand for remote patient monitoring continues to grow rapidly.