A fever is one of the most common early signs of viral infection, including the novel coronavirus. Early detection of fever can halt the spread of an infectious virus. A new low-cost wearable known as FeverGuard can identify an individual’s “normal” body temperature and alert them if their temperature enters their personal fever range.

The introductory product of the fledgling company Solos Health Analytics, FeverGuard can detect a fever before the user develops other symptoms, and in some cases, even before they begin to feel sick. The wearable device is a simple band with a small sensor case that fits comfortably on the upper arm, provides continuous temperature monitoring.

Contrary to popular belief, a “normal” temperature rarely lands exactly at 98.6F for most individuals. In fact, the normal temperature of adults can fall anywhere between 97F and 99F. Personal body temperature also varies throughout the day. The key to FeverGuard’s accuracy lies in machine learning and predictive analytics. Through this technology, the platform identifies individual baseline temperature and fluctuation patterns; the platform can then recognize when an elevation in temperature indicates a fever.

Individuals can access their data and view trends on the FeverGuard mobile app, which sends instant alerts when body temperature spikes above their personal baseline. For organizations using FeverGuard to prevent viral spread in the workplace, an administration portal allows them to view trends and receive alerts while protecting the worker’s data and privacy.

Individuals, employers, healthcare providers, and caregivers stand to benefit from FeverGuard. Accurate early fever detection allows them to take immediate action to contain the spread, access prompt medical care, and enable contact tracing. These actions can help control the COVID-19 pandemic and contain outbreaks of seasonal flu and other infections that put families, businesses, caregivers, and communities at risk.