You don’t need nanotube implants, neural networks, or robotics to measure body temperature. Existing technology does a fine job measuring vital signs, but that doesn’t mean there’s no room for improvement. We’ve written about smart thermometers that predict and track flu activity, remote baby thermometers, and even a non-contact thermometer designed to fight ebola.
Thermart, Comper Healthcare‘s latest AI-powered device, is a dual-mode smart thermometer developed to use with people of all ages. The medical-grade silicon rubber ear and forehead thermometer takes accurate readings in less than one second whether the device is held against the forehead or inserted in the ear, according to Comper. The thermometer displays body temperature with an LED display on the side of the device. A Bluetooth-connected mobile app captures the temperature reading and plots it against stored data for analysis and insight. For example, Comper suggests using the Thermart to track temperature changes when taking medication or after exercise. The app also has messaging and reporting features for communicating with physicians.
Du Han, Comper Healthcare CEO and founder, maintains the Thermart isn’t useful only during illness, but also to track body temperature day-to-day so users can understand the effects of lifestyle decisions and practices.