The 30 million people with diabetes in the U.S. have more information than ever to support the treatment of their illness, both collectively and individually. Some people have even successfully reversed the effects of Type 2 diabetes. But the task of tracking all relevant information can be daunting, from medications to diet to exercise. Collecting this information in a form that can be shared effectively with physicians is more difficult still.

Glooko makes software to help patients and healthcare professionals manage diabetes more effectively. For physicians, this takes the form of a dashboard that provides an analytics dashboard of all patients being tracked, with alerts for those who may be at increased risk due to blood glucose levels, lack of adherence, or other factors. The company also makes a smartphone app for diabetes patients as well. They used to charge a nominal subscription fee for its use, but recently announced that it is free of charge.

The program can automatically record data from a wide range of glucose meters, including wearable models. It also gathers data from insulin pumps and exercise trackers such as Fitbit. It even has a feature to make it easier to log food intake. The data can be shared securely with healthcare professionals and caregivers.

Information is power, especially when it comes to treating a chronic disease such as diabetes. The fact that Glooko has chosen to make its smartphone app free means that patients will now have a more affordable way to track essential data about their condition.