Migraine headaches are the third most prevalent and the sixth most disabling disease in the world, according to the Migraine Research Foundation. Migraines affect 39 million men, women, and children in the U.S. and one billion people worldwide. We have written about wearable tech developed to prevent, detect, or ease migraines. Most devices use a form of electrical stimulation such as the Cefaly headband, Electrocore’s gammaCore, and Theranica Bio-Electronics‘s Nerivio Migra armband. Those devices stimulate the trigeminal nerve, the vagus nerve, and the central nervous system, respectively.

Medical technology company eNeura recently announced the publication of a peer-reviewed study led by the Mayo Clinic in Cephalalgia. The study showed that with twice daily use, eNeura’s single-pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (sTMS) technology significantly reduced migraine headache frequency. Using the SpringTMS device as directed reduced the days when patients experienced migraines by about three days per month. Also, 46% of the patients in the study had 50% or fewer migraine attacks each month while on the treatment protocol.

eNeura’s SpringTMS is available for 3-month rentals by prescription. The variety of stimulation devices for different nerves or nerve sets suggests that different techniques may be better for different people. Because of the high profile attention from the Mayo Clinic study, migraine sufferers may want to put the eNeura device on their treatment alternative shortlist.