More than half up all people in the U.S. live with at least one chronic health condition. And one of the biggest problems is lack of adherence to medication treatments. According to some sources, the cost of failing to take prescriptions as directed results in nearly $300 billion in increased healthcare costs every year.

Neura is a company that has a solution to this problem. Their developers have created a system to increase engagement with a target person. Rather than create a “one size fits all” answer, they have harnessed the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to create personalized systems. The program learns about individual behavior patterns, and responds accordingly. It provides messages at times that are most likely to result in a response by the subject. The system takes the form of an advanced programming interface (API) that lets the functions be integrated with smartphone apps and other programs.

According to the company, the system can produce significant benefits. It has increased engagement with diabetic patients by 20%. Even more impressive, adherence to medication instructions increased by 88% when using this system.

Our healthcare systems are moving toward personalized diagnoses and treatments, so it makes sense that a personalized approach to reminders and behavior changing programs will also be more effective. The more we can integrate more information about patients as individuals, the more effective — and efficient — healthcare will become.