Aura Suit

As we get older, simple tasks can become more difficult. For example, consider going from a seated position to standing and then back again. For some seniors, this can be a challenge as their muscles lack the strength and endurance to perform these actions.

The Fuseproject is a design and technology innovation firm that works with clients and partners to create functional products that also are attractive. One of their current projects is the Aura Suit, which they are developing with Superflex, which is a company that has created soft exoskeletons. The suit is designed to give seniors a power assist to help them move about. In addition to helping them get up from and onto chairs, the suit can also aid with standing, walking, and other movements. The soft fabric holds and supports the body in strategic locations, and flexible electric actuators compensate for decreased muscle strength and endurance.

The goal is to refine the design so that it is slim enough to hide under normal clothing, easy to put on and take off, and washable so that it’s easy to maintain. If it can be produced at an affordable price, it could have a major impact on the independence and safety of seniors.