It’s disconcerting — to say the least — when one of your children is sick. As I’m typing this, one of our kids is home sick and we’re all concerned about her, even though she’s an adult and lives 750 miles away. I remember when our children were little and when one of them was ill, we’d pace around, struggling between going in to check their temp and see how they were and just leaving them alone and letting them sleep. Recent Health Tech products have addressed this common quandary. Previously we’ve written about the STEMP Smart Temperature Patch, the Vivalnk eSkin Thermometer, and Visiomed’s MyThermo BW-CX10.
Raiing‘s iThermonitor works most like the STEMP unit mentioned above, but adds remote monitoring beyond Bluetooth range because all data is automatically stored in the cloud and accessible by additional devices. The iThermonitor attaches below the child’s arm via adhesive and continuously monitors temperature, checking and recording every 4 seconds. The signal is sent via Bluetooth to an Android or iOS smartphone or tablet where the current temp can be viewed by someone at home and because of cloud storage another person, for example a parent at work, can also see near real-time status. You can use the iThermonitor app to set high and low temperature thresholds for alerts. Even if the Bluetooth connection is lost, the iThermonitor stores up to 10 days of results for reference once the connection is re-established. According to Raiing, the iThermonitor has both CE and FDA approval for sale and is available now.
There’s no reason why you couldn’t use the iThermonitor yourself, if you’re sick in bed and don’t want to get up to take your temperature. If you have your smartphone within reach you could rest easy knowing that you’d get an alert if your temp changed too much. The market for parents of babies and toddlers is likely the strongest, because we generally figure older kids can tell us when they feel lousy, but for any age, the iThermonitor is designed so everyone can sleep while still monitoring body temperature.