Seniors Want Wearable Health Tech, Too!

Seniors Want Wearable Health Tech, Too!

The global management consulting firm Accenture recently conducted a survey of more than 10,000 seniors across 10 countries including the United States to find out what they thought about using technology to help them manage their health. And the results were...

Wear Your Health Records on Your Wrist

Emergency first responders often have to play guessing games. When they are called to the scene of an accident or other incident, they have to make some best-guesses about a subject’s physical condition and other factors. If a patient is unconscious or otherwise...

Australia Seeks to Secure Wearable Health Data

An article in the Register reports that the Australian government has awarded a grant for a bit more than US $250,000 for a three-year study of ways to secure individual health data from fitness bands and other wearable devices. The potential benefits of such...