
Are you experiencing familiar chest pains? If you’ve already had a heart attack, chances are that your cardiologist has stressed the importance of getting to a hospital as quickly as possible if you think you’re having another attack. But where’s the nearest hospital with the cardiac care that you need?

As a result of his own personal experiences with heart disease, Danny Oberman founded CathMaps+. This mobile app is available on both iOS and Android mobile devices, and in the event of a heart attack, it can direct you to the nearest hospital with a cardiac catheter lab where stents and other treatments can be administered. Once you arrive at the hospital, however, there could be delays while doctors research prior procedures that you’ve had and other information about your heart health. CathMaps+ also stores your medical history, and can even include EKG readings.

The bottom line is that the app can save precious time to help you get treated that much sooner in the event of a heart attack, which can greatly increase your chances for a positive outcome.