Sensor-Shirts for Young Athletes

Sensor-Shirts for Young Athletes

Now kids can get the same beneifits of biometric tracking that professional athletes can. Hexoskin has announced their first “smart shirt” for kids and teens.1 We’ve covered Hexoskin in the past here at Health Tech Insider. The company’s shirts...
CES 2015: The Eyes Have It [video]

CES 2015: The Eyes Have It [video]

Stare at the period at the end of this sentence for a few seconds. Now, it may have seemed to you that your eyes were fixated on that spot, but in fact, your eyes continued to make tiny motions called “microsaccades.” These involuntary movements differ...
CES 2015: Baby Monitor with One Shoe On

CES 2015: Baby Monitor with One Shoe On

You might think that this post is a poorly-disguised effort to garner clicks and shares; why else would we lead with a photo of such an adorable, big-eyed infant? Actually, this is about peace of mind for parents, and especially new parents with their first child....
CES 2015: A Sleep Monitor for a Princess

CES 2015: A Sleep Monitor for a Princess

Remember the story of the princess and the pea? If you’re easily bothered by things when you’re sleeping, you might want to check out the Withings Aura. Instead of having to wear a fitness band or sleep with your smartphone in order to track your sleep...