by Alfred Poor | October 28, 2016 | Enabling Tech, General News
Almost all wearable Health Tech devices require some form of power in order to operate. For the vast majority, this power must be in the form of an electrical current. When it comes to delivering electricity to a device that is not plugged in, the most common solution...
by Alfred Poor | October 5, 2016 | Enabling Tech, General News
The “tricorder” diagnostic tool in the Star Trek series is frequently referred to as the future of medicine. It has even formed the basis for a multi-million-dollar technology competition. But here’s a thought to consider; what if the tricorder...
by Alfred Poor | August 31, 2016 | Enabling Tech, General News
Power storage for wearable devices poses problems. The ideal solution would pack a lot of energy in a small package, be flexible, be stretchable, and could discharge or recharge rapidly. Unfortunately, that does not describe your typical battery technology....
by Alfred Poor | August 30, 2016 | Enabling Tech, General News
Take 3D printing technology, add some clever chemistry, and you have the recipe for a “soft” autonomous robot that can move without being tethered to an external power source. In fact, it does not contain any electronics at all. This marvel was created by...
by Alfred Poor | August 8, 2016 | Enabling Tech, General News
How do you power a wearable device? Most of them require electricity, which must be stored so that it is available when needed. But batteries are problematic. They can be bulky, rigid, and filled with messy liquids that can cause trouble if they leak. One promising...