Shoe Harvests Energy for Wearables

Shoe Harvests Energy for Wearables

Wearable sensors and related devices are at the heart of the Health Tech revolution, but the question of how to power these systems remains without an optimal answer. One of the attractive solutions is to harvest energy from the surrounding environment to eliminate...
Custom Printed Footwear Concept [video]

Custom Printed Footwear Concept [video]

The traditional way of making shoes is to stamp out shapes (creating lots of waste) and then assembling them into units of about a dozen different sizes. Forget finding a pair that fits you right; you’re happy to settle for the ones that fit the least badly. A...
CES 2015: Hands-Free Shoes [video]

CES 2015: Hands-Free Shoes [video]

Not all wearable Health Tech devices need to have digital electronics. Case in point: the Quikiks shoes. Think about this for a moment. When people want to describe someone as being incredibly out of shape, they often say something like “He can’t even bend...