by Bruce Brown | October 25, 2018 | Enabling Tech, General News
The value of digital health technology rises and falls on the quality of data that it produces. Inadequate biosensors, invalid measurement methods, faulty algorithms, and poor quality control can all render data useless. Medical applications require clinically...
by Alfred Poor | September 28, 2018 | Enabling Tech, General News
One of the challenges for wearable devices is getting power to them. You can include a battery, but this will need to be recharged or replaced when it runs down. Researchers have explored harvesting energy from sources including body heat, motion, and ambient radio...
by Alfred Poor | September 4, 2018 | Enabling Tech, General News
Our bodies are chemical engines. It stands to reason that we should be able to deduce all sorts of useful information about our health status simply by considering the types and quantities of different chemicals in our bodies: biomarkers. Doctors routinely sample...
by Bruce Brown | August 30, 2018 | General News
If we’re going to make robots, exoskeletons, smart prosthetics, and artificial skin, what’s to hold us back from giving them superhuman attributes? We’ve mentioned in the past that DARPA, the “invent the impossible” U.S. Defense Advanced...
by Bruce Brown | August 9, 2018 | General News, Medical
Approximately 10 million people worldwide suffer from Parkinson’s Disease (PD) which makes it the second-most common neurological disease, according to the CDC. Early detection is key with Parkinson’s. The sooner neuroprotective treatment begins after...