by Alfred Poor | July 25, 2016 | General News, Medical
One out of every 11 adults has diabetes. That works out to 415 million people worldwide. 12 cents out of every healthcare dollar spent goes toward diabetes and related complications, for a total of $673 billion every year. If we can reduce those costs by just one...
by riddhi | October 21, 2015 | Fitness, General News, Health, Medical
BI Intelligence’s “Wearables in Healthcare Sector Report” finds that the healthcare sector will be a driving force behind the continued growth in wearable device shipments. The company anticipates global shipments to increase at a compound annual growth...
by Alfred Poor | June 18, 2015 | Fitness, Health, Medical
Another week, another sales forecast in the wearable Health Tech industry. This one comes from the market research firm IndustryArc. Their new report, “Wrist Wearable Devices Market Analysis (2013 – 2020)” breaks the industry into four separate...
by Alfred Poor | June 15, 2015 | Health
It should come as little surprise that a wearable “happiness” sensor should originate in Japan, the same country that gave the world the terminally cute “Hello Kitty” character. Industry giant Hitachi developed this device as a means of...
by Alfred Poor | June 11, 2015 | Enabling Tech
Think about it for a minute. If the numbers of cars sold each year grows by a certain number of units, the number of tires sold will increase by four times that amount. That’s because each car needs four tires (at least). The same thing is happening with...