by Alfred Poor | April 9, 2019 | Medical
Most wearable devices rely on sensors that are outside your body. This makes them convenient to put on and take off, but you need to remember to do so. Implanted sensors have a “set it and forget it” convenience, but then you have the problem of how to...
by Bruce Brown | October 17, 2018 | General News, Health
If people with diabetes Type I and Type II don’t monitor their blood glucose levels regularly, meaning multiple times each day, the consequences can include heart attacks, coma, blindness, and even death. Invasive self-testing, usually with finger pricks to draw...
by Bruce Brown | December 12, 2017 | Enabling Tech, General News
If you haven’t already had laser eye surgery, odds are pretty good you will at some time in the future. A Korean-U.S.academic collaboration recently announced new technology that has the potential to improve laser surgery precision significantly. We’ve...
by Bruce Brown | August 31, 2017 | General News, Medical
Respiratory depression leading to death under sedation remains one of the greatest dangers of anesthesia, 170 years since William Thomas Green Morton demonstrated the controlled use of ether to produce insensitivity to pain Massachusetts’s General Hospital in...
by Alfred Poor | August 13, 2015 | Medical
When you think about it, a contact lens is really a prosthetic device. It’s an object that we put on a part of the human body to help it function better. But some patients with limited vision need much more than a contact lens. They need a device that can...