by Alfred Poor | July 7, 2017 | General News, Medical
If you’ve never had the pleasure of an MRI scan, as a veteran of several sessions, let me tell you what it’s like. They put you on a platform that slides you into the heart of a giant metal donut, where you have to lie perfectly still. During the scan, it...
by Bruce Brown | March 22, 2017 | Enabling Tech, General News
Diagnostic imaging with MRI, PET, and CT scanners saves millions of lives with high-resolution images that let physicians see inside our bodies. A relatively new technology called “functional MRI” (fMRI) observes blood flow rather than just the structures...
by Alfred Poor | March 9, 2017 | Enabling Tech, General News
A picture is worth a thousand words. It’s no wonder why medical imaging is so important, because we can gather so much more information in much less time if we can look at a picture rather than a written description. Imaging technology is an important part of...
by Alfred Poor | December 20, 2016 | Enabling Tech, General News
Medical imaging has made enormous improvements in recent decades. New digital technologies make it possible to amass huge amounts of data that give physicians the ability to peer inside living bodies. One of the happy benefits of this data is that it can be used to...
by Bruce Brown | December 16, 2016 | General News, Medical
As medical technologies advance, noninvasive biometric measuring of all types hold great potential for diagnosis, for treatment, for patient care, and for learning. Ongoing advances require pushing the devices, the tools, and the data measurement, and the analysis....