by Alfred Poor | August 10, 2016 | Enabling Tech, General News
Flat screen display technologies are amazing, especially when you compare them with the industry leader of just one decade ago: the CRT. Even though LCD and OLED displays are thin and light by comparison, they both have one important limitation; you have to create...
by Alfred Poor | April 8, 2016 | General News, Health
The media has given a fair amount of attention to the problem of blue light disrupting our normal circadian rhythm, making it more difficult for some people to fall asleep after reading portable displays or watching television. Apple has introduced a new Night...
by Bruce Brown | December 30, 2015 | General News, Health
Approximately 30 million adults and children in the U.S. have diabetes, with another 86 million estimated to be prediabetic. Once someone is diagnosed with the disease, regular blood glucose measurements are necessary, as often as four to eight times a day. It’s...
by Alfred Poor | October 21, 2015 | Enabling Tech, General News, Medical, Uncategorized
Liquid crystals were discovered nearly 150 years ago, though it was not until 1962 that they were viewed as a way to create flat panel displays. The cigar-shaped molecules have the useful characteristic of aligning with each other under normal circumstances, but will...
by riddhi | August 7, 2015 | Enabling Tech
Virtual reality headsets are known to leave some people with headache and nausea within minutes of usage. According to experts, this is because current virtual reality headsets don’t simulate natural 3D images. Assistant Professor Gordon Wetzstein’s new...