by Alfred Poor | September 5, 2016 | Enabling Tech
Gutenberg’s movable type revolutionized the printing process, but it was still a batch-mode production. Individual sheets of paper were placed in the press one at a time, then printed. Eventually, roll-to-roll printing presses took over, printing pages much...
by Alfred Poor | July 2, 2015 | Enabling Tech
This picture may not be all that compelling at first glance. It looks like someone has a wire with some white stuff on it. Or maybe the wire is glowing from electricity running through it. Here’s the scoop; that white section is indeed emitting light, but...
by Alfred Poor | August 29, 2014 | Medical
Alzheimer’s is a debilitating and fatal disease. More than 44 million people worldwide suffer from it or a similar form of dementia. A group of researchers in Korea believe that they may have found a way to slow the effects of the disease, using a headband...