Graphene Doubles Biosensor Sensitivity

Graphene Doubles Biosensor Sensitivity

AMBER (Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research) is  a research center at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. Researchers there have made a discovery that make great improvements in the detection and diagnosis of a wide range of diseases and conditions. They have...
Contest Entry to Help Accident Victims

Contest Entry to Help Accident Victims

When dealing with traumatic injuries, such as those suffered in a car accident, minutes matter. The sooner the injuries can be correctly identified and prioritized, the sooner the correct treatment can be applied. This can lead to better outcomes for the patient. A...
International Effort to Validate Health Tech Data

International Effort to Validate Health Tech Data

When it comes to gathering, the honeybee is perhaps the most tireless and focused animal on the planet. Perhaps that’s why it was chosen as the namesake for a program by researchers at Arizona State University. Project HoneyBee is a program intended to validate...