by Alfred Poor | August 23, 2017 | Enabling Tech, General News
The Health Tech world is constantly searching for a better sensor platform. Some of the important characteristics include wireless connectivity, flexibility, and multiple sensors. Trying to incorporate rigid components such as integrated circuit chips and batteries...
by Bruce Brown | July 28, 2017 | General News, Health
Drowsiness at the wheel kills. Even quick attention time-outs called “microsleeps” are enough to put you in the wrong lane. We wrote about Vigo’s headset alertness monitor and JINS’ MEME eyeglass drowsiness sensing. We also noted Ford Motor...
by Bruce Brown | July 14, 2017 | General News, Health
Mind control attracts attention in wearable health tech. If human brains can be controlled by the person’s own thought or by external devices, the potential for overcoming debilitation or sensory conditions opens vast new health frontiers. We’ve looked at...
by Alfred Poor | July 12, 2017 | General News, Health
The classic cartoon guru meme is a wise old man sitting cross-legged on the top of some mountain, far from civilization. The basic idea is that you can go and study at the feet of such a person to learn mindfulness and to control your body, so that you can relieve...
by Bruce Brown | June 30, 2017 | General News, Health
In Spring 2016 Finnish communications giant Nokia bought French health tech pioneering company Withings. Nokia’s then-President Ramzi Haidamus stated in a press release that Withings would run the digital health business. No brand name decisions or changes were...