Suit Warns Paraplegics of Injury [video]

Suit Warns Paraplegics of Injury [video]

Talan Skeels-Piggins is a former member of the UK Royal Navy who suffered a motorcycle accident that left him paralyzed from the chest down. He went on to compete as a downhill skier in the 10th Winter Paralympics, but an injury forced him to give that up. Instead, he...
Wearable Health Benefits Depend on Software

Wearable Health Benefits Depend on Software

The potential benefits of the “quantified person” are huge, making it possible to improve diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of all sorts of diseases and chronic conditions. One of the biggest barriers to realizing these gains, however, are the...
Contest for New Solutions for Nordic Elderly

Contest for New Solutions for Nordic Elderly

The Scandinavian countries are well known for their excellent social services, including medical care. Like many other parts of the world, however, they are facing a challenge. The elderly make up 25% of the entire population, and this is expected to grow to 40% by...
AMA Helps Build Test Lab for Innovation

AMA Helps Build Test Lab for Innovation

Innovation doesn’t just happen. It requires lots of time and effort and experimentation to find a solution that works. As Thomas Edison said about his efforts to create a light bulb, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t...
CES 2015: Non-Contact Thermometer Fights Ebola

CES 2015: Non-Contact Thermometer Fights Ebola

About ten years ago, a father in France wanted to take his baby’s temperature, but didn’t want to wake his child. From this experience arose the company Visiomed and the ThermoFlash non-contact thermometer. The company displayed their latest version of the...