by Alfred Poor | March 9, 2018 | Enabling Tech, General News
Put your finger here and hold it steady while we scan for biometric data on 100 different health conditions. Science fiction? Today it is, but it may not be for long. Not if a group of researchers at five major universities have their way. Researchers at Rice...
by Alfred Poor | September 13, 2017 | General News, Health
Some people are paraplegics as the result of trauma to the spine. Their body still is capable of functioning, but the line of communications with the brain has been broken. Some researchers are trying to find ways to reconnect those broken connections. Others are...
by Alfred Poor | February 21, 2017 | General News, Medical
A lot of attention is given to blood oxygen levels, as this can be an important diagnostic indicator for a variety of illnesses and conditions. Another important biometric gets less attention: the amount of oxygen in tissues, such as skin or muscle. Patients with...
by Bruce Brown | January 18, 2017 | Enabling Tech, General News
As exoskeleton technology advances, the life-changing potential for specific Health Tech applications grows. We’ve written about exoskeleton tech often, most recently when Hyundai introduced three exoskeleton robots under development to the world and last year...
by Alfred Poor | April 10, 2015 | Health, Medical
BioHealth Innovation and ProductSavvy have announced the launch of a new HealthTech accelerator program in Rockville, Maryland. Backed by the Montgomery County Department of Economic Development, the new “Relevant Health” project is part of a larger...