by Bruce Brown | September 4, 2017 | General News, Medical
Medical personnel use pain level information to determine the type and amount of pain medication to administer or prescribe. Unfortunately, pain level data depends on both objective and subjective factors that can interfere with determining the...
by Alfred Poor | August 16, 2017 | Enabling Tech, General News
Wearable Health Tech devices need new user interface technology. Traditional keyboards and mice don’t get the job done, and even touchscreens can be a problem when there’s limited physical space available. There’s no single “best”...
by Alfred Poor | May 23, 2017 | General News, Medical
Facial palsy is a condition where the facial nerve on one (or both) sides of the face becomes damaged. This nerve controls the muscle groups that we use to make facial expressions, and palsy will cause that side to droop. This condition can be caused by bacterial or...
by Bruce Brown | May 17, 2016 | General News, Health
Tremors are more common than you might think. The condition Essential Tremors affects approximately 10 million people in the U.S., according to the American Academy of Neurology. Tremors are also a symptom of a wide range of diseases and conditions including...
by Alfred Poor | April 28, 2016 | Enabling Tech, General News, Medical
Grace Kabelenga was born in 2008 in Zambia with what was described as severe craniofacial deformities, but that is an understatement. The bones in the middle of her face were missing, as well as large portions of her skull and the bones that separate her brain from...