by Alfred Poor | October 28, 2015 | Enabling Tech, General News, Health
Patients with a wide range of chronic conditions and diseases can find it challenging to interact with devices that rely on traditional interfaces such as keyboards or touch screens. Spoken commands can fit some needs, but another promising approach is the use of eye...
by Alfred Poor | October 21, 2015 | Enabling Tech, General News, Medical, Uncategorized
Liquid crystals were discovered nearly 150 years ago, though it was not until 1962 that they were viewed as a way to create flat panel displays. The cigar-shaped molecules have the useful characteristic of aligning with each other under normal circumstances, but will...
by Alfred Poor | August 26, 2015 | Enabling Tech
One of the challenges for wearable Health Tech devices is the user interface; how can you interact with and control the device if it’s too small for a touch panel or if you have physical limitations that prevent you from using traditional input technologies?...
by riddhi | August 21, 2015 | Medical
Anemia is a condition in of having a lower-than-normal number of red blood cells or quantity of hemoglobin (the protein found in red blood cells). The condition occurs due to excessive blood loss, when the body does not produce enough blood cells, or when the body...
by Alfred Poor | August 13, 2015 | Medical
When you think about it, a contact lens is really a prosthetic device. It’s an object that we put on a part of the human body to help it function better. But some patients with limited vision need much more than a contact lens. They need a device that can...