Survey Shows Low Consumer Interest in Health Tech

Survey Shows Low Consumer Interest in Health Tech

Study after study shows that consumers, healthcare professionals, insurance companies, and employers are all interested in wearable Health Tech devices to help monitor and improve the health of the user. So it is a bit surprising to see the results of a new survey by...
Epson Heart Rate Band Adopted for Project

Epson Heart Rate Band Adopted for Project

Epson just announced that its Pulsense activity monitor has been chosen for a health promotion project. The Kanagawa Institute of Technology (KAIT) has chosen the Epson products for a program involving 70 students and faculty to start, with more participants to be...
Obesity Costs Corporations Billions

Obesity Costs Corporations Billions

According to a recent article by Reuters, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control report that obesity costs U.S. employers more than $70 billion every year, due to absenteeism and healthcare expenses. This is money that could be better spent on higher salaries and more...
Will Big Brother Count Your Steps?

Will Big Brother Count Your Steps?

A recent article in Forbes raises an interesting question; under what circumstances would you be willing to let your employer or insurance company have access to your personal fitness tracker data? This is no longer a hypothetical question, as large, self-insured...