by Bruce Brown | May 12, 2017 | General News, Health
According to a BBC report, technology companies are facing a digital skills gap. There’s a severe shortage of programmers and engineers. Microsoft Research Labs in Cambridge, England is working on a potential solution to the shortage called Project Torino. The...
by Bruce Brown | December 16, 2016 | General News, Medical
As medical technologies advance, noninvasive biometric measuring of all types hold great potential for diagnosis, for treatment, for patient care, and for learning. Ongoing advances require pushing the devices, the tools, and the data measurement, and the analysis....
by Alfred Poor | July 17, 2014 | Enabling Tech, Health
People with severely impaired vision have difficulty when it comes to reading text. There are Braille versions of books, but very few titles are produced in that format. There are lots of adaptive technology products, including cameras that put a magnified image on a...