by Bruce Brown | January 2, 2018 | General News, Medical
The worldwide diabetes epidemic shows no signs of slowing. Treating diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), a related medical issue for approximately 6% of older adults with diabetes, costs billions of dollars each year. DFU’s lead to amputation in one in 12 cases. Two...
by Kimberly Houston | December 19, 2017 | General News, Health
In Finland, there’s a well-know tradition known as the “Finnish Baby Box.” Since 1938, every pregnant woman in Finland has received a box from the Finnish government that functions as a “starter kit” for their new baby. The box contains clothes, socks, diapers, a bath...
by Bruce Brown | November 28, 2017 | General News, Health
When confronted with global scale health threats, detection and prevention take more than just a village. Obesity and Type II diabetes both qualify as present day, large scale threats in most areas of the world. While scientists and researchers focus on causes and...
by Jim Ware | November 8, 2017 | General News, Health, Medical
One of the $125,000 winners in the 2017 Pitt Innovation Challenge uses good vibrations from a wearable device to help veterans control PTSD. Another wearable gives real-time visual feedback from prosthetic limbs to help lower-limb amputees learn to walk. In all, 13...
by Kimberly Houston | October 3, 2017 | General News, Medical
Exercise is critical component of an effective diabetes management plan, yet it poses additional challenges of its own.. To exercise safely and avoid hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), diabetics must monitor their blood sugar before, during and after exercise by testing...