by Kimberly Houston | February 1, 2018 | General News, Medical
A hospital stay usually involves being attached to a host of medical devices. But how useful is all that data, really? The FDA recently approved a new method of analyzing data to reduce preventable hospital deaths, which are estimated to number 400,000 yearly in the...
by Bruce Brown | December 18, 2017 | General News, Health
Despite widespread attention in the 1980s and 1990s, eating disorder rates have not changed, according to the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA). Not limited to young women and girls, eating disorders plague males and females of all ages. NEDA surveys...
by Kimberly Houston | December 13, 2017 | General News, Medical
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, neuropsychiatric disorders are the leading cause of disability in the U.S. Neuropsychiatric conditions include OCD, anxiety, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, mood disorders like bipolar disorder,...
by Bruce Brown | December 8, 2017 | General News, Medical
The communication, collaboration, and coordination benefits of new healthcare technologies don’t pop out of the shipping boxes or gush from Internet connections. Just throwing technology at people in any environment nearly always guarantees failure, even if...
by Alfred Poor | September 29, 2017 | General News, Medical
Modern medicine has made the treatment of diabetes fairly simple. A patient gets a blood sugar reading, and then injects the appropriate amount of insulin. The process is made much simpler through the use of handheld glucometers that require just a tiny drop of blood...